Teddy's wound is healed!

UPDATE 11.13.2010

Teddy is back at Joelsa farm. He spent some time with his new family but it wasn't quite the fit they were looking for. He came back fat and happy after being on their lush pastures! He is still the sweetest, most patient guy witha real willingness to please. We are doing ground work and getting to know the roads and trails here because he is here to stay. He is a steady companion to Sal, who sight is failing.

As of October 4th, his wound has completely healed. There continues to be alot of scar tissue around the edges but no open areas! He has some hair growth as well. Teddy's will to live and heal is amazing. His patience unlimited. He is home.

A journey that started in July 2008 has come to an end. Teddy will no longer be a horse with a terrible wound. He is strong and healthy!

Teddy's story

we are not a rescue operation. teddy's family moved into our area in april 2007. teddy and his pasture mate arrived a couple weeks later by equine transport from oklahoma. teddy had incurred this wound during the transport. he was seen initially by a local vet. we went to them over the course of the summer and offered wound care supplies, offered to soak and treat the wound and offered to help them build a barn.

winter 07 came and in November in a nasty cold rain we took them in as they still had no shelter and only a small round pen to graze in. teddy's wound was still untreated. we offered to board them over the winter but they took them to another barn where they didn't pay board but did am and pm chores taking care of them. they actually rode teddy and his pasture mate the 2 miles to the other barn.

in dec 07 teddy was kicked by another horse and what natural healing had happened was split open again and again there was only one visit from the vet. ( we know of the vet visits through the animal welfare investigation).

the first of July my daughter was asked to "horse sit" for them while they went on a trip for 10 days. they had brought both horses back to their home without shelter and only a round pen for them. there was no trees for shade only a small group of white birch. it was in the 90's and predicted to be that temp all week. my daughter came home in tears after the first visit because of the way teddy looked.

we went back and he was standing head down, covered in flies and covered in sweat. the flies were so thick there was blood spatter on his hooves. his gums were white and his wound was horribly infected and covered in flies. we couldn't walk away.

we loaded teddy into my trailer and brought him home. my friend walked his buddy to his house where he stayed for 6 weeks. the next day we had a vet check scheduled for my QH sal so we loaded teddy and brought him as well. we told the vet that we had a horse with a significant wound and could she fit him in? she was horrified. while cleaning it she found an infected tract the went up inside big enough that she could put her whole finger into it.

he was started on antibiotics and scheduled for surgery the next day to debride all the infected tissue. he came home with an iv in his neck for antibiotics he would be on for 3 weeks as well as oral antibiotics. he saw the vet every 2 weeks to continue to debride the proud flesh and freshen the wound to promote new tissue growth. teddy is an amazing horse. he is calm and gentle. he has trusted me to clean and flush his wound daily.

we were fund raising to help with his costs. we had 2 yard sales, a bake sale and a continuous bottle drive. the vet was very frugal with costs and patient with our payment schedule. before teddy we had no intention of having another horse. we had our hands full (so we thought). we had 4! that's a lot of hay! i have learned that sometimes i just have to trust that it will all work out and that's what we did. people were been so generous, it has been truelly heart warming! teddy is healthy, with no infection. the wound that measured 4 x 5 inches and now is 1 1/2 x 1 inches. we continue to clean and debride it of the proud flesh on a regular basis. he is strong and healthy, calm and as sweet as can be!

A forever home for Teddy!

Teddy has finally made the full circle. rescue, rehabilitate and rehome! Saturday he will be going to his new home in Newport. He will have a nice big stall and acres of lush pasture that he will share with his 3 pasture mates. He met his new owner after many interviews. She approaches him with calm confidence and thinks he is absolutely beautiful! I am so thankful for them seeing Teddy for the awesome horse he is and not just his tatty looking leg!. He is still not completely healed but continues to show progress. His leg will always show his scars but it is strong and his movement is perfect!

Teddy 5.20.10



What is Operation Save Teddy?

The Story: Teddy came from out of state almost two years ago. He arrived with an open wound on his right hind leg due to an accident.

Teddy is now involved in an animal welfare case and now he is, for the time being, relaxing at Joelsa Farm in New Gloucester, Maine.

UPDATE: As of JULY 31, 2008 Teddy has been signed over to us!

The Issue: We, at Joelsa Farm, have taken Teddy in and he has received several visits to the vet. The results of the first vet visit helped to solidify the urgency of the issue. As the vet performed a simple once over she was amazed that the horse wasn't in worse condition. There was not (amazingly enough) an abundance of infection which is due to the flies eating away the dead tissue, but it is horribly swollen. The vet debrided what she could of the scabs and such, flushed any tracks she found into the wound, and did X-Rays. The results of the X-Ray concluded that there was not a bone infection or a foreign body in the wound other than a bone fragment which was caused by the initial injury itself. Unfortunately there is excess granulation tissue (Scar Tissue) for the skin to close and so it must be surgically debrided. This means that the vet will cut away all of that scar tissue, clean the wound thoroughly, and administer antibiotics to the wound itself.

Here's the breakdown of what Teddy costs: Teddy has one huge bill! The cost for Teddy to recieve veterinary care is about $400.00 per appointment, every other week. He has the wound cleansed and debrided of excess scar tissue, as well as shockwave therapy to increase bloodflow to the area, and increase healing. So far Teddy has cost between $3,000.00 and $3,500.00. Skin Grafting may have to be an option if the skin doesn not heal more within the next 8 weeks.

Regular Vet appointment: starts at a $70.00 farm call. $25.00 for the Exam and then increases depending on what medications, treatments etc. is needed.
Hay & Grain per month: $100.00
Farrier: every 6 weeks: $30.00
Dentist: 1- 2 times yearly- $75.00

The Cause:We are asking for donations of any kind to help Teddy, because there is a good chance we cannot do it ourselves.We would like to be able to take Teddy and give him a good chance at life but without help we cannot do that.

We have set up an account at Key Bank for Teddy in which the funds are solely distributed to Blackstrap Hill Veterinary Center in Cumberland Center, Maine to be used only on Teddy as needed to assist in care.Donations of any kind will help!

Monetary donations can be sent (check or money order please) to:Teddy's Account C/O Ellen Forbes, 29 Shepard Lane, New Gloucester, Maine 04260Checks and/or Money Orders will be deposited receipts will be sent upon deposit.

Donations of equipment, grain, hay or goods to be used in bake sales, yard sales, tack sales, etc. are also very welcome!

Donations can also be made to:
Blackstrap Hill Veterinary Clinic
21 Schuster Rd Cumberland Center, Maine 04221
c/o Ellen Forbes account# 30010978

Teddy's wound

Teddy's wound
18 months after the accident without vet care



July 22, 2008

Teddy had a vet check today- 7/22/08- and the vet was very optimistic and happy with how far the leg has come in such a short amount of time. We still have along way to go, but it should heal.



August 3, 2008 - Latest Update

Teddy had an appointment on July 31st. The vets over at Blackstrap have been so fabulous! They are very impressed with his progress. This time they debrided the wound, taking off more scar tissue. They also used a ShockWave Therapy on it to improve healing and speed recovery. On a side note, they floated his teeth, which needed to be done very badly.
The good news..., the owner has officially signed Teddy over to Joelsa Farm.

August 3, 2008

August 3, 2008

8.14.08 UPDATE

Teddy received the 2nd shock wave therapy to the wound which stimulates new tissue cell growth. Dr S. is very pleased with the progress of the new tissue growth. She also debrided a 2 cm section of scar tissue from the middle of the wound. The wound now measures 3in X 3in. He will have 3 more shock wave treatments at 2 week intervals.

8.14.08 UPDATE

8.14.08 UPDATE

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


please pass this blog along. the more people that are touched by teddy's story the more chances we will have to increase our fundraising efforts!


Lasell Jaretzki Bartlett said...

Have you tried Eclipse Equine Wound Care available at Belumdx.com? I am not a distributor nor will benefit from your using this product however I use it for anything when the skin is broken, even on myself and think it is super for healing. Best wishes for Teddy's continued healing.

Lasell Jaretzki Bartlett said...

Sorry, wrong URL. Try: belumedx.com...

Fiber Sales said...

thank you so much for this information. i have researched this wound aid and think it is a must! im going to see if our vet can order it so we can give it a try!

Anonymous said...

It's great to know that Teddy was rescued and is finally in good hands. Thank you for sharing his story and for helping him.